Sunday, September 05, 2004

Makin A List, Checkin It Twice

it's Sunday. I leave Tuesday morning. 2 days. 2 jours. À peine 2 jours.

I'm so excited i can barely contain myself. I spent the day making CDs. yay MP3s! who knew!? I put 6-7 albums onto one CD, this is great!

I am so nervous. Ly m'a appeler pour me donner des nouvelles... this is where you'll land, this is where you'll take the bus, but don't call it a bus, call it a coach cuz a bus in England is like a city bus... I am so excited!!! forget nervous, excited is more like it.

I went to the cottage for a few days. So quiet. I re-read Le pélerin de Compostelle de Paulo Coelho.... just to remind me of why I was doing all this. I remember now. Je ne sais pas ce que j'attend de ce pélerinage. tout le monde me le demande, et je ne le sais pas.

I'm going to see if i can do this. pour voir si je peux me débrouiller...

As you can see, I changed the format. You can leave comments at the bottom of each post. The chatting thing was creating problems, pop-ups and the like. :^P that sucked.

2 days... 2 nuits... 1 jour... am i ready?
how ready can i be? i've been ready for ages.
watch me go.
i won't let the door hit me on my way out.


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