Looking Down At The Sky
The flight here was ok, i guess. why do they play disaster movies on flights? they played "The Day After Tomorrow" which was really good (except for the part where they run away from the cold). the food was crap. i wasn't sitting beside anyone interesting.what a long flight. i didn't realize the ocean was so big. we flew over the maritimes... their cute little farms... it's so cool in the air. the ocean was blue (duh) and when there were small clouds overtop it looked like i was looking down at the sky... quite surreal.
i got to London's Heathrow airport around 9:30pm. the lights! from the sky, London is the hugest city i've ever seen. it's amazing. from Heathrow (customs was very quick) i got on a bus to Bristol which is about 2 hours. it was 1am UK time when i got there. Ly and i stayed up til about 3am but it was only 11pm for me!
i felt the jet lag when i woke up this morning though! Ly woke me up and said, "i'll draw you some maps and tell you where to go today... i'll point out where i work. come have breakfast!"
it was about 9:30am and normally after breakfast i don't feel at all groggy, but not this morning! i went back to bed when she left around 10:15... woke up around noon, feeling better.
been walking around Bristol all day. it's very very pretty. Ly gets off work around 7pm, so i have to amuse myself til then. i'll probably go see some shops and then go to a cafe and wait for her there. we've got a whole weekend planned out.
i've been taking lots of pictures, but these places don't have USB ports, so i can't plug in my camera. i'll post pics as soon as i can.
take care y'all. pip pip!! cheerio!
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