Not Much Time
My internet clock is ticking away... you have 7 minutes.I'm in a city, somewhere, after a long day of walking. Went to a bar where there was HAND BALL as a real sport on TV with athletes and everything. Didn't want to laugh for fear of some guy hitting me over the head with a beer bottle.
The scenery is gorgeous, and so are the churches -- i've been to church twice this week!! Tell mom, cuz even I'M impressed. So much GOLD in these things. Insane.
My feet still hurt... i'd like to say they're getting better, but let's just say the walking's easier.
I'm not eating enough cuz there's very little money (totally running out of cash!!) and very little time to eat! Little time to do anything really, except walk. I need to calm down.
And maybe even... find a little job?? Oh, before I go, this guy showed us his making of wine cellar thingy. Took pictures. He gave me a bottle which I proptly drank with people.
K, Internet time running out, gotta go!!
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