Last Tango in Tartas
I'm at my brother Alec's house now and have been since Wednesday. My brother is a tango freak and has forced me (ok, i went willingly!) to tango classes and nights. It's a beautiful dance when you know what you're doing. When I get back to Toronto, I plan to find some sort of class so that when Alec comes to visit I can blow him away... and dance better than him (mouhahahaha...)!! - Note to everyone in Toronto: we'z takin Tango classes. Apparently there's a tango club on College infront of a firefighter station? Alec was so specific with details...I've been very lazy these past few days. Watching a lot of DVDs and um... that's about it. OO!! OMG - k, the South of France is very beautiful. It's so strange to see vineyards... fields of wine! The trees are all planted row on row. There are no untouched forests on this continent. Everything's been cut down and replanted.
My brother lives in Tartas, near Dax, about 2 hours out of Bordeaux. (Get a map you lazy freaks, this is as much detail as i'm giving.) A river (very small) runs through Tartas, called La Midouze. This conversation (more or less) transpired between my brother Alec and I:
Me: Is there a path that goes all along this river?
Alec: Yes, but I wouldn't take it too far that way (he points).
Me: Why not?
Alec: You get onto some people's turf that you don't want to get on.
Me: Haha, what I'll get robbed or something?
Alec: Well you might.
Me: Why? Who lives down there?
Alec: Gypsies.
ok, now, at this point, you can imagine the strange look on my face.
Me: Gypsies? Are you serious?? I thought those were imaginary, or at least no longer existant.
Alec: Nope, they're very much real.
He went on to tell me a story about how he hired a gypsy at the mill where he works and he got a thank-you phone call from the head of the Gypsies (or the Gypsy-King, if you will, hehe) because it's hard for gypsies to find work...
My question, of course, is do they look like Johnny Depp?
Today we go to the sea. Very exciting!! I love the ocean. Dunno if it's warm enough to go swimming, but I'm bringing my bathing suit anyway... just in case.
Tomorrow I leave on my pilgrimage - St-Jean Pied-de-port... first stop. I'll post again when I can!
Check out the pictures I've posted below!!!!
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