Legends, Hills, and Stormy Nights
I am so tired. Ok, where were we? Went to Glastonbury, then went to Cheddar (yes, like the cheese) where there is a gorge (insane view) and caves. The caves were really really cool. A bit too manufactured (guided tours and the like) but the caves themselves were amazing and very interesting. The gorge was a (excuse my language) bitch to climb up. Holy Crap. I hate hills. Let it be known, I HATE HILLS.So i huffed and puffed my way up and across this gorge... and took a crazy amount of pictures. When we got back from this long walk and long day, we were supposed to go to see Mr. Scruff in a club downtown Bristol. Suprise suprise, Ly abandoned me because she was tired... and to her suprise, I WENT ANYWAY! she loves the outdoors, the trees, the hikes, the exercise... I love the dancing, the noise, the beats... she doesn't understand. When I got to the club I had a very strong drink and tried to find the courage to speak to people. So I had another very strong drink and realized (alcool is enlightenment) "hey! i'm only here for another 5 days! i can embarass myself all i want!"
So I walked up to a guy (Dominic - he knew right away that i was french-canadian, so weird, nice guy, he quoted the Hobbit to me and i was smitten) and started up a conversation and before I knew it, he had introduced me to all his friends and we were having a great time.
By 4am I was tucked safely in my bed... because the next day (I was up before Ly at 9am) we were off to Totnes, where Ly went to school. Totnes is very very pretty. It's mostly farmland, with again, rolling hills (stupid hills!)... so we visited her friends, took long walks through the woods...
One can really understand where JRR Tolkien gets his inspiration. Walking through those woods I was under the impression that at any moment a hobbit or an elf was going to come running out from behind a tree. The moss, the ivy... gorgeous.
I wanted to address the stereotype which is Rain in England. It's true. One can never know what the weather will be like. The first two days I was here, I was told that the sunshine was abnormal. I told them that I'd brought the sunshine from Canada. They don't want me to leave. But then it started to rain... and it's been raining off and on since. This, apparently, is normal.
I'd rather have snow, me thinks.
So as you can see, I'm exhausted. I haven't spent tooooo much money, the food is actually not bad (they have this pie-pocket type thing called a Pastie which i'm addicted to) and oooo! while in Totnes, Ly and I had Cream Tea!! It was really really good. mmm clotted cream.
Another stereotype is that the English drink a lot of tea. They do. They really do. But I can see why, it's really good and a nice gentle pick-me-up. I think we steep our tea for too long. a casual steep for about 20-30 seconds is ample. add milk, and voila... mmm mmm goodness.
Anyway, my time here in the internet cafe is almost over, so I'd better get going. There aren't very many internet cafe's here. Perhaps in London there'll be more. I'll be in London on Thursday. Paris on Sunday. ;)
This is fun. Tata all! pip pip! Cheerio!!
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