Sunday, September 26, 2004

I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles

I'm doing so much walking. Friday we went to Versailles... WOW. Versailles is OUT OF THIS WORLD. So many riches. The garden is a national park - in the beginning it was 7800 hectars and now it's only a measly 800 hectars. It's huge. Walking around there was amazing. There was so much to see. We spent 2 hours just seeing the garden and then had some lunch.

After lunch we went to the actual castle... so much to see! Lavish portraits, ceiling paintings, gorgeous furniture... the history of the castle is interesting as well. We could have come back the following day - there was much more to see!!

That evening I walked around the St-Michel district and had a Pierrade - for one. Didn't quite know what it was til I got it... it's a whole lotta meat with some fries that you cook on a hot plate. mmm meat. A welcome change from all the veggies and bread I've been eating!

Saturday I parused the shops along les Champs Elysees and walked here and there. Bought a really really cool hat - which is good because my hair is getting to be that ackward length... and I can't get it to do anything nice.

Saturday night I met some nice people at the hostel, MORE Australians and an American... we polished off a few bottles of wine and talked about life. It was nice. I wanted to go out, but I'm really exhausted.

Today we went back to the Eiffel Tower so that one of the Aussies could go up. I sat around and people watched. There are these arab girls that walk around saying, "Do you speak English?" to which you answer yes and they hand you a piece of paper that says that their brother is in their country and they have no money, no food... ARGH! Perhaps this is true, but there are tons of these girls. Some by the train station, some by the Eiffel Tower... Now I pretend I don't speak English. I hate having to do that.

There aren't as many bums in Paris, but the few are really in your face about it.

I haven't stepped in any dog shit yet, but there's a LOT.

After the Eiffel Tower we were going to do some shopping but everything is closed on Sunday!! doh! So I dragged them to see Victor Hugo's house which is the really nice Bastille area of town.

I was going to leave tomorrow, but I can't seem to get a hold of Alec or Jennifer - ARGH! - to know where they live. It's a ploy, they don't like me very much.

So I'll stay an extra night to make it an even week in Paris, do some shopping... I need a scarf, I feel so out of place!! Bon soir tout le monde, je dois aller faire quelque commission avant de souper!


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