Au soleil, sous la pluie, a midi ou a minuit...
Le clavier est anglo... pardon! The French are great! I say thank you to someone for holding the door open and he says back, "mais y'a pas d'quoi!" so nice!Where to begin... the beginning? What day is it today? I feel like I've been here a week. I've been here 3 and a half days. Monday's arrival, Tuesday... what did I do on Tuesday. I walked around. I walked down LaFayette Street where my hostel was and walked all the way down to the Opera area and then around where all the Uber-Chic boutiques are. I didn't even dare go in with my dirty flip-flops and jeans... Chanel, Gucci, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, Oscar de la Renta... (pause, I just looked up and there are 2 guys playing a trumpet and an accordion in the street... for no reason... i love paris!)
Anyway, walk walk walk, stop in a cafe and have lunch then an afternoon snack, walked back up to the hostel and everyone announced, we're going to the Eiffel Tower!
La Tour Eiffel est tellement belle la nuit! They light it up and every hour, on the hour it goes all sparkly!! so beautiful. So we went up... I left Jean-Guy there, he liked it up there. Well I left one of him up there. I wish I could post pictures! soon soon...
After the Eiffel Tower I went to bed but couldn't sleep because of the noise in the hostel (which is why i've gone to the Aloha hostel now, much better! Now there are 2 accordian guys and a trumpet guy! this is AWESOME!) -- woke up at 9:30am and went with some guys to the cemetary where Jim Morrison is buried. Found out that Oscar Wilde and Edith Piaf and Maria Callas were buried there too!! Took loads of pictures and have decided that the French know how to be buried. Man oh man! They build houses on their tombs! crazy french! with stained glass windows and sculptures and busts... amazing.
I've decided, family of mine, that we should get a family big sculpture thing with busts of each of us carved into the stone and have poetry carved in the side with stained glass window doors that open up into a worship area... many ideas i have had of how I want to be buried now.
Then we walked to Notre-Dame de Paris. The outside is amazing! INSANE. The carvings... I can't even begin to describe it. Read Victor Hugo's book, i'm sure he describes it in there somewhere.
The inside was great, the windows were out of this world. I've been told I ain't seen nothing yet and to wait til I get to Italy. I can only imagine. I lite a few candles, one for my parents, one for my grandma... I took a cierge for my mum.
Then back to the hostel and out to a Canadian bar called the Moose where they didn't sell any Moslon products which is just wrong. It was cool to be in a place where a lot of people where Canadian. The bar tender was Canadian and he gave me a Canada pin.
Then we went to an Aussie bar and had crepes on the way. So many Australians! Then back to another club...
I'm a bit glad to be in a new hostel where a curfew exists. I don't really wanna be out til 4am... I am SO exhausted. I go to Alec and Jen's on Sunday - I need the rest so I'll be kinda happy if they're not there yet (no offense, but babies are not conducive to sleep... although I have heard mention of a nearby church bell... hm.) --
Must check out my new hostel room now, and then get more money out of the cash machine. So expensive here, but worth every dime!! (or Euro, if you will).
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