Monday, October 18, 2004

Tell Them That I'm Defying Gravity

Where to begin?? I've gained new insight on God, I've met some really cool people (some young ones, finally), I met a weird guy in a caravan that goes around waiting for a friend doing the pilgrimage giving people tea and a bit of massage oil. He seemed really nice, not at ALL threatening.

What was threatening, today, was these two cute, little, huge, fangy, ferocious dogs I came to meet. You see, I ate something that did not agree with my stomach. To make a long story short, I gots the runs, real real bad. So this morning I walk for about 5 kms, stopping every 5 minutes to um, well, never mind - and I get to a village where I decide to try to find a bathroom. There doesn't seem to be a bar anywhere in sight, I'm walkin, I'm walkin, and I see this really really old church, falling apart. I decide to go have a peek... out of nowhere these two mutts, lean and mean come running at me, barking and growling, showing me their pretty teeth. I was petrified. They kept moving forward, and I kept moving back. Finally I thought, "OK! Bye!" and walked quickly in the other directions.

Needless to say I almost crapped my pants. I also almost started to cry. I was bewildered. I need to get a walking stick. I keep forgetting the ones I find.

Tonight I am in Burgos, and I am exhausted. It's 8:25pm and I'm going to bed soon. This hostel or Refugio is very nice. Soothing new age music, washer and dryer, nice shower. But I have a feeling the hostel guy wants me to get off his computer.

Last night I met a Mexican. Sebastiàn Cordova... he was so funny. I hadn't laughed like that since... forever. At least not on the pilgrimage. I told him his name sounded like a drug lord's name. He said all Spanish names sound like drug lord names.

Sebastiàn has a really interesting way of describing things, of speaking. He speaks Spanish (duh), English, and a bit of French. Since English is not his first language, he has trouble finding words... he is poetic without meaning to be. So funny. "I saw the sunset, on the hills, and it was painting the fields, the sun painted the fields and the hills were glowing and they looked like a woman lying down, and the sun was setting..." So adorable. Crazy kids.

We were in San Juan de Ortega (or something like that) and the sky was clear and the starts... THE STARS!! they were insane. Not even at the cottage have I seen stars like this. INSANE. I'd've laid there longer, looking up at the stars, but I was cold and afraid that they'd lock the Refugio door on us. They lock the doors, often, around 10pm.

There's so much I'd like to describe, like Eric, the weird guy with the caravan - or Juan Luis, a guy who runs an albergue and made me cry for leaving his place... but I'm exhausted and my laundry is done and I can't wait to slip into warm dryer clothes.

I've lost a pair of socks. I sent my sweater ahead to Santiago cuz it was too heavy and now I regret it cuz it's freezing out. I'll have to buy a jacket. Something fleecy. mmm fleece.

Good day Canada, I miss you all. Good night Spain, I'll see you in the morning.


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