Saturday, September 18, 2004

As Per Your Request

Georges asked me to describe the people here... and, well, sorry to dissapoint but they're exactly like Canadians. There's no perceived difference - at all. For example, Dave lives with 2 other guys who are just as messy as normal 20-somethings, they have the same quirks as Canadian boys do... they watch as much TV, they go out to pubs as much as we do...

The only difference is that they smoke more (the rules here are only beginning to tighten) and that they think I have an accent.

Went out clubbing last night - Richie Hawtin baby!! figures that I'd go out to see a Canadian DJ in London. The venue changed at the last minute (thank god I called!) and it was at a club called Rouge (I won't tell you how much the cab cost... so expensive!) -- aside: the "tube" or subway is very good here. it runs late and starts early. i've been taking the tube mostly, thank god, because cabs are expensive even before you factor in the £) -- anyway, so it was at Rouge, there was an insane line-up outside, but line-ups are good for meeting people, which I did. Getting in and around the club was fairly easy, except in the main room where it was just ridiculous.

Met a South African girl, a Scottish boy, some really high Australian girls (eesh! "ya! we're going to Whistler soon... how are the drugs there?" - you're an idiot), a guy from Pensylvania, another guy from Australia, and I think that's it.

Stayed up WAY past my bedtime... damn you Richie Hawtin! He's so good. The other DJs were also very good. I have no complaints as far as quality of music... and everyone knows that if the music is crap I don't stay out late. Richie was the last to spin and I stayed til the end.

Got home when the sun was up and slept til 2:30pm (tell me it's not really 2:30 - it can't be that late!!!) I wanted to go see the Matinee of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at 3pm, but I guess I'm going to the evening show. I have to call...

Saw an awesome Dali (he's INSANE) exhibit at a museum near the parliament... which means i also saw... BIG BEN BABY!! it's a big clock. woot! nothing uber-special. impressive architecture, but that's about it. They have this giant ferris wheel you can get on to see the whole city, but the line-up was long and I had better things to spend my money on.

Tomorrow I go to the British Museum and book a ticket for Paris (and I do laundry - donde esta lavandaria??!!)

Here's an interesting part of English culture: they can (and do) drink in the streets. Last night was eye opening - girls walking down the street with wine glasses, guys with pints - a LOT of falling over, a lot of peeing in corners, a lot of vomiting... this stuff is only funny when you're not them. This would make pub crawls more interesting since you can carry the booze with you from a bar to the next, you can enjoy a beer in a park... but that's all I gots G - as per your request.


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