Sunday, October 24, 2004

Stop In The Name of Love

Halfway baby!! Only some 380kms to go! I don't know where I am again. I'm in, I think something like El Burgo, just 18kms out of Sahagun where I got a very nice surprise!!

Picture it, Sahagun 2004 (k, I had to use it once and I may not go to Sicile anymore!) -- I'm looking for these ladies I've been walking with. I used the internet and they went ahead to look for somewhere to have a snack. So I walk in their general direction but say to myself, "I must have passed where they are, there doesn't seem to be much this way..." So I walk back and meet up with these 2 guys I've been talking to at dinner n' stuff and they say, "y'a quelqu'un qui te cherche, ton frère je pense."

Mon frère? Impossible, my brother doesn't know where I am. So I walk back to the Spar (an English 7-11 but they have some in Spain too) imagining which guy I've met on the Camino looks most like me and who this guy could be when I see, well, my brother!

Alec is standing there and waves at me... so I start crying because his was the first familiar face in 3 weeks of walking. It was so nice to see him! Then I see Jennifer in the shop getting some food, so I think to myself, "BABY!" who was in the car, sitting pretty, smiling away.

They'd looked for me yesterday and spent the night in Sahagun. I'm walking with a Maria from Germany, and an older German couple had told Alec and Jennifer this. So in Sahagun they went around asking "pour les 2 Marias!" It worked.

We had lunch in the back of a hostel and chatted. They asked me how it was going, how I was feeling. My brother scolded me for throwing away his concoction of small water bottle & duct tape.

Some major thinking is happening here people. Some realizations about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. I only hope I can implement them in myself. I need to make some actual changes to the way I act, the way I REact, and that's the hardest part. I react in a certain way, to certain situations... well, I lie. Not big lies, not all out lies... ug. I am dishonest about myself and it eats at me. Am I being clear?? Things aren't clear.

I am halfway there. In so many ways.
I can't wait to come home and go through my things. J'ai du ménage à faire.


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